Saturday, March 3, 2007

Kids ulip plan!!.. Is it any good? What's the difference?

Few of my observations on Kids' ULIP Plans

1. Kids plan is no magic. It can't give any better returns than any other plans

2. If you are spend thrift and someone else to manage your money then go for kids plan.. of course for your kid

3. Difference is that the other ULIP plans are flexible on withdrawl. But Kids plan is little rigid on that.

4. Amount you get is based on the age of your kid.. rather I would say milestone of your Kid's life. for example, after 10th std, 12th std and for degree.

5. Sometimes it's good to go for Kids' plan as you may tend to withdraw all your money at once!!!..

Happy investing!

1 comment:

Raj Gopal Vuppala said...

Your portrayal of KID's ULIP is not very accurate especially the points 3 and 4. There are some kids ulips out there like those from HDFC which give you the flexibility of withdrawal whenever you want. It is not based on the age of the kid.